Nelle vicinanze di Colle Zingaro, in contrada Morretto, la località è
chiamata "la pietra di Cristo", è stata ritrovata la tomba di un
guerriero romano, questa tomba è scavata interamente nella roccia.
Ada Ficca |
Near Colle Zingaro, in the hamlet of Morretto, there is a place called “Christ’s Stone”, where the tomb of a Roman warrior was found, dug entirely inside the rock. From what they say, the warrior must have been of a high rank because he had armor, a sword, a stone headrest chiseled into the rock under his head, many rings bound together to form a chain, stone fragments. The tomb is situated on the old village road that connects Torricella with Bomba, but only the sarcophagus with the stone headrest remains visible. The enclosure and all the armor with the sword disappeared and their whereabouts have been ignored.
Ada Ficca
English translation courtesy of Dan Aspromonte