
Order Number 6097


Ministry of Defense

The President of the Republic

with his Decree dated 26th June 1975
In view of the Royal Decree of 4th November 1932 number 1492 and later modifications;
In view of the Royal Decree of 23rd October 1942, number 1195 and later modifications;
In view of the Legislative Lieutenantship Decree of 21st August 1945, number 518;
In view of the Law of 14th May 1965, number 502;
In view of the Law of 28th March 1968, number 341;
In view of the Law of 11th May 1970, number 290;
on the proposal of the Minister of Defense
has granted the  ..........................................................

for Military Valor

to the


       For more than nine months they put up bold resistance to the arrogance of the German and Fascist occupying forces.
       The populace all openly and effectively supported the
formation of the “Patriot Group of the Maiella” and opposed the order to evacuate the built-up area with a clear-cut refusal.
       Sacrifices suffered in (terms of) human lives barbarically cut off, deportations, oppression and destruction of every type were to no avail in making them give up their resistance. In the partisan fight the citizens were able to make a generous and effective contribution as fighters,  with blood and valor for the cause of freedom for the Country.

       Zone of Torricella Peligna, September 1943 – June 1944.-

The Minister for Defense therefore releases this present document to attest to the honorary distinction conferred.

Roma, addi 30th March 1976

Registered at the Audit Court                            The Minister
Dated 2nd October 1975 Year XVI
Register 19. Sheet 202
signed ................................................

Published in the Official Bulletin 1976 disp.9 page 398

Translation courtesy of Marion Apley Porreca