Le belle Api

 Le api son preziose
volan per chiari cieli
indomite e graziose
producon dolci mieli 

nell’aere son librate
danzano indaffarate
leggere su ogni fiore
ne libano il licore 

al sol di primavera
raccolgon fino a sera
al caldo dell’estate
mieton organizzate 

catturano i colori
dei petali fortezza
dei pollini e dei fiori
l’effimera bellezza


The Beautiful Bees

 Bees are precious
They fly in clear skies
Resolute and gracious
They produce sweet honeys. 

They hover in the air
They dance busily
Lightly upon each flower
They sip the liquor

In the springtime sunshine
They gather until evening
In the heat of the summer
They reap in an organized way 

They capture the colours
Of the fortress-like petals
Of the pollens and flowers
The short-lived beauty


Translation courtesy of Marion Apley Porreca