Poesie - Lelio Porreca

Pudore dei sentimenti

Pudore dei sentimenti paterni:
se li dici son già mistificati.
Ma paure nuove io soffro per te
come nuove mi apparvero per l’altro mio fiore,
per un’operazione che aspetta,
anche se non è grave.

Sobbalzi crescenti abbiamo noi grandi
per ferri ospedali chirurghi
tu, invece, sorridi sereno
dimentico dei vaghi tremori
trasfusi in pianto e sudori
che pur stamani il pensiero ti dava;
e cammini tranquillo
accanto al padre.

Oh anche per noi così divenisse azzurrato
il cammino; prontamente scordati i dolori
lasciati gli affanni
pure noi procedessimo verso l’Ignoto
abbandonati nell’invisibile mano
del Padre.

Modesty of Feelings

Modesty of paternal feelings:
As soon as you talk about them they become distorted.
But I am suffering new fears for you
Which appeared as new as they had for my other flower,
For an operation that awaits you,
Even if it is not a serious one.

We adults suffer by fits and starts
At the thought of instruments, hospitals, surgeons
Whilst you just smile serenely
Forgetting the vague anxieties
Transfused into cries and sweat
Which the thought had caused you even this morning;
Yet you walk calmly now
At your father’s side.

Oh, in this way for us too the path would become blue-coloured;
readily pains would be forgotten
Worries would be left behind
We too would proceed towards the Unknown
Trusting in the invisible hand
Of our Father.


English translation courtesy of Marion Apley Porreca

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