Poesie - Lelio Porreca

La Morgia 

Braccio di pietra

implorante dalla terra riarsa

ala bianca

sprigionata dalle frane

palpito lieve

nella solitudine

armonia morente

nel silenzio.


Fondale grigio

la Maiella

si prolunga sui paesi svuotati

sulle cime

passa la tramontana.


Voli rari bruni

si liberano dalla roccia

tracciano segni di diamante

su un sipario di vetro.


L’azzurro sta oltre.











The Morgia [1]

 Arms of stone

Beseeching from the parched earth

White wing

Bursting forth from the landslides

Slight beat

In the solitude

Dying harmony

In the silence.


Grey backdrop

The Maiella

Extends itself into the emptied villages

On the peaks

The sunset passes.


Rare brown flights

Free themselves from the rocks

Tracing signs of diamonds

On a backcloth of glass[2].


The pale blue lies beyond.



Translator's notes :

[1] The Morgia – is a rocky spur, on a hillside between Gessopalena and Torricella Peligna. It can be seen from most of the Province of Chieti.


[2] backcloth of glass = Reference to the sculpture, on the Morgia, a work of Costantinos Varostos. Costas chose the “Morgia[see 1]” for his dialogue with Nature.

The Morgia has a characteristic “M” shape at its centre, which is known to have been caused by dynamite, used when the site was part of a local quarry and was used to create building materials. [Lelio Porreca was an activist, instrumental in leading protests which were successful in preventing any further destruction at the Morgia.] At the central cut of the “M” Costas built a sturdy steel structure that acts as a frame for the glass strips which unite the two points (of the M). Upon this strong framework (made by Edil Co-op) he placed a layer of glass strips (given by SIV of Salvo), fixed with 10 quintals of silicone (given by Bayern). There is a light within this work that, like a lighthouse, is visible from very far away. 

[See Amici di Torricella  article Artists’ Campaign]


English translation courtesy of Marion Apley Porreca

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